What to Expect With Your LGBT Divorce in Houston

same sex couple fight lgbt divorce attorney houston tx

When you and your partner got married, you thought you’d be married forever. Most people do. Despite the divorce statistics being what they are, nobody gets married expecting to turn around and get divorced a few years later. So, when the time comes when you decide to file for divorce, it’s good to know what…

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Can an LGBT Couple Foster a Child in Texas?

Can an LGBT Couple Foster a Child in Texas?

Sometimes, if you and your partner are considering adopting a child, it’s a good idea to first foster a child in Texas. Once you adopt a child, there’s no going back. You can’t go back to the judge a year or two later and say you’ve changed your mind. At least with a foster child,…

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Should You Consider a Special Needs Adoption in Texas?

Should You Consider a Special Needs Adoption in Texas?

If you’ve been considering adopting a child in Texas, you know how exciting and difficult the process can be. It’s even more of a challenge for LGBT couples. Whether they like to admit it or not, private adoption agencies are more likely to approve a straight couple for an adoption than they are an LGBT…

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Can You Get Your LGBT Marriage Annulled in Houston, Texas?

Can You Get Your LGBT Marriage Annulled in Houston, Texas?

In this country, we hear an awful lot about divorce, but we don’t hear a lot about annulments. Years ago, it seemed like an annulment was a threat to any young couple who married without letting their parents know. However, annulments are alive and well in Houston, Texas. They’re also a lot different than a…

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How is Child Custody Handled in a LGBT Divorce?

How is Child Custody Handled in a LGBT Divorce?

For years, LGBT couples fought to get gay marriage legalized. Once they succeeded – after a long and arduous battle- the inevitable happened. LGBT couples realized they now had to deal with divorce just like other married couples. As anyone knows, a good percentage of marriages end in divorce. It’s a fact. This is no…

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Second-Parent Adoptions in Houston, Texas

Second Parent Adoptions in Houston, Texas | LGBT Family Law Attorneys

For years, LGBT couples have to jump through hoops to adopt a child in Texas. Texas was one of the last states to allow LGBT couples to marry. And even now, with same-sex marriage being legal, there is still a lot of bias against LGBT couples looking to adopt in Houston. Thankfully, LGBT couples have…

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