Houston LGBTQ+ Family Law Attorneys
Serving LGBTQ+ Communities Across Houston, TX
Whether it’s traditional adoptions, second-parent adoptions or same-sex parent adoption, the LGBTQ+ Lawyers at the E&W Law Firm has assisted lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples with the adoption process.

We are here to ensure you get justice and your rights are protected.
Houston LGBTQ Family Law Attorneys
Now that same-sex marriage is legal in Texas, family law attorneys are seeing more and more LGBTQ clients who need their services. Just because same-sex couples had to wait until 2017 to get married doesn’t mean their marriages are perfect. They face the same issues that traditional married couples do.
The same is true of LGBTQ+ clients who want to adopt a child. The Texas adoption process can be confusing for anyone. When you compound it with the issues facing LGBTQ parents, it can be quite intimidating. This is why E&W Law Firm has decided it’s important to have an attorney who is an expert at helping LGBTQ clients in Houston, Texas.


Texas Adoption FAQ for the LGBTQA+ Community
E & W LGBT Law Firm
6065 Hillcroft St Ste 107A, Houston, TX 77081
(713) 609-1378