How Often Can I Change My Will?

Change Your Will

Everyone’s will needs the occasional update. Your financial situation, living situations, and end-of-life desires might change over just a few months or years. As you increase or decrease your assets or move locations you might consider a change to your will. But, how often can you do this and is there a limit on how…

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Should You Consider a Special Needs Adoption in Texas?

Should You Consider a Special Needs Adoption in Texas?

If you’ve been considering adopting a child in Texas, you know how exciting and difficult the process can be. It’s even more of a challenge for LGBT couples. Whether they like to admit it or not, private adoption agencies are more likely to approve a straight couple for an adoption than they are an LGBT…

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Second-Parent Adoptions in Houston, Texas

Second Parent Adoptions in Houston, Texas | LGBT Family Law Attorneys

For years, LGBT couples have to jump through hoops to adopt a child in Texas. Texas was one of the last states to allow LGBT couples to marry. And even now, with same-sex marriage being legal, there is still a lot of bias against LGBT couples looking to adopt in Houston. Thankfully, LGBT couples have…

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